Jacque Fresco interview! ENG SUBS
Jacque Fresco interview! ENG SUBS
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Добавить в заметки чтобы посмотреть позже?A salute to everybody. I'm LeeKei. And this is our interview
with the founder of The Venus Project — Jacque Fresco.
We decided not to ask him hackneyed questions asked him at every interview, every conference,
those you can find on
We decided to ask questions that relate to our videos:
about sex in the future, about vegetarianism, about the attitude toward animals,
about the future after the future… Everything
that we have talked about in our videos more or less,
but I wonder, like from series of "man with a beard," what he says, this cool guy. We'll see…
What sex will mean to people of the future?
Sex in the future will be much milder.
There will be very few people that are oversexed.
Sex will be accepted as normal, just as
going for a walk or whatever it is natural to do.
People will have sex but they won't talk about it
Nobody will say, "Gee, I just had sex!"
They wouldn't say, "Was it good?". None of that any more.
You won't have to seduce girls.
They'll have sex because they want it.
Yes! Kostik, we've said the same already a year ago.
See here this video once again.
Will people in the future exploit animals for food, fur and decoration?
I don't think so.
I think they will move toward organic vegetarianism.
And I think that it will feed more people
and be less toxic to the environment.
Double Yes! Kostik, about this we talked just recently in this issue.
What would motivate a person in the future? Now many people are motivated by money, and this is not happiness.
Most of the incentive will be based on similar values,
meaning: you put an end to war, fights, arguments.
And all that will be obvious as compared to today's society.
And the people will feed good because
they got rid of the interference factors in language.
They will learn to communicate more accurately.
Roxanne: What is the incentive in the future?
Incentive is the accomplishment of the end of arguments and disputes.
People will be able to communicate their ideas to other people
so that they understand them.
Roxanne: What is the incentive when there is no money?
Incentive is the observation of the end of stress between people.
That's the incentive!
The stress come to an end,
and they learn how to communicate,
and they satisfied with other people understanding what they mean,
not interpreting what they mean.
What steps have been taken towarda a resource-based economy?
Well, first we have to introduce people to what it is
and why it is.
And if they understand it, then we can go into more detail.
Roxanne: What we've done so far to introduce a Resource-Based Economy?
We've been doing it all along.
Answering questions.
Roxanne: What about books, movies, videos?
Yes, we'll use books, movies, videos, diagrams,
whatever will help people understand, putting it together.
It will not be subject to interpretation.
Which of officials or government agencies, or famous people support The Venus Project?
That I can't answer.
I think that famous people are victims of culture
just like everybody else.
What will happen after the resource-based economy?
Everything changes, nothing is static. What will be the future after the future?
Well, I think that language will be improved considerably.
And there will be shortcuts in language, explaining
systems… In other words, if a person says:
"What is a Resource-Based Economy?"
It would go to: sharing all the Earth's resources
amongst all the different people of the Earth.
There's no such thing as priority groups
that get advantage.
We wish you a long life, but what will happen to The Venus Project after you pass away.
Who will promote it? Will there be enough people to unite?
It depends how well people understand it —
whether it continues along the lines of The Venus Project.
For example,
The Venus Project must do certain things.
So, if people ask me:
"Can anybody else take over and do what they want to do?"
The Venus Project must invite all nations
to participate in the restoration of the environment
as near the natural conditions as possible.
They must do that. It must be all inclusive…
All the nations, separate nations have to become one people
that agree to take care of the oceans
the atmosphere and the forest. To restore them.
And if they agree to that, then it will be The Venus Project.
But if they go off in some other direction
where it's exclusive in Canada only, it won't work.
It must be international.
If anything happens to me, the people that take over
will be people that understand the values of The Venus Project
and why it does what it does,
why it advocates a given direction, not any direction.
Any direction will bring it to old problems again:
fights, disagreements, arguments.
There is no argument in the fact that
all the resources of the Earth belong to everybody.
That's real clear. They can't alter that.
And all of the nation will eventually evolve the language
that's not subject to interpretation.
That's absolutely necessary.
How people of the future will be different from us?
Well, they appear to be listening to other people
and paying attention to them instead of arguing.
They will learn how to share ideas
and ask a person how much they know about electricity.
If they know little about it
then one well informed in electricity will deliver information.
And then when a person says: "What about climate and climate change?"
There'll be people that are climatologist.
They will talk to people about climate and climate change, how it works,
and how it affects the growth of food and all that sort of things.
What I like to see?
I would like to see groups of people
read the book "The Best That Money Can't Buy"
at meetings, chapter by chapter.
So that people understand each chapter.
So they discuss it up and back.
I like to see that as the instruction manual
for understanding The Venus Project.
And those that understand that best will tell them
reinterpreting what they don't understand to something they do understand.
Thanks for the answers. The Venus Project. Project KOZA. Let's do it!
With The Venus Project we can do it!
We can put an end to conflict, fights, verbal disagreements.
Well, guys. We did an interview with Jacque Fresco.
Smart man, our contemporary.
This is the same as a century ago to interview Nietzsche or Tesla, etc.
We of course with Kostya wildly happy that finally talked to him,
and told you about The Venus Project.
The rest is in our hands. The future is in our hands.
Feel the future. Stop arguing.
Enough fighting. Stop expressing your opinion right away.
Let's listen to each other… and understand.
That's the main thing — to understand.
Then everything will be good in the future.
Free mind!